

Blood in urine : How to check if you have Blood in your urine?


The presence of blood in your pee can be unsettling. Blood in the urine (hematuria), though it can be frequent; the cause is benign and may signify a dangerous condition.

Gross hematuria refers to blood that is visible in the urine. Urinary blood that can only be seen under a microscope is found when your doctor tests your urine for microscopic hematuria. In any case, determining the source of the bleeding is critical.

The cause will determine the appropriate course of treatment.


Hematuria is a condition where blood cells leak into the urine through the kidneys or other areas of the urinary tract. This leakage can be caused by a number of issues, such as:

Infection in the urinary tract. These take place when germs multiply in your bladder after entering your body through the urethra. The urge to urinate frequently, pain and burning when urinating and unusually pungent-smelling urine are all possible symptoms.

Microscopically small amounts of blood in the urine may be the only indication of sickness in some persons, particularly older people.

Infected kidneys (pyelonephritis). These can happen when bacteria travel from your ureters to your kidneys or enter your kidneys from your bloodstream. Most kidney infections will result in fever pain, and the signs are very similar to bladder infections.

A kidney or bladder stone. On the walls of your bladder or kidneys, the minerals in concentrated urine can occasionally form crystals. The crystals may develop into tiny, hard stones with time.

You will not likely be aware that you have stones unless they cause a blockage or are being passed because they are typically painless. The symptoms are thus typically unmistakable; in particular, kidney stones can be extremely painful.

Prostate enlargement.  As men get older and closer to middle age, the prostate gland, which is located below the bladder and covers the top of the urethra, frequently grows larger. The urethra is then compressed, partially obstructing urine flow. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include the inability to urinate, the need to urinate frequently or urgently, and either microscopic or obvious blood in the urine. The same symptoms and indications can also be caused by prostate infection (prostatitis).

Kidney illness.  A typical sign of glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys' filtration mechanism, is microscopic urine bleeding. Glomerulonephritis can develop on its own or as a complication of a systemic illness like diabetes. Glomerulonephritis can be brought on by viral or bacterial infections, blood vessel conditions (vasculitis), and immunological issues such as nephropathy, which damages the tiny capillaries in the kidneys' glomeruli that filter blood.

Cancer. Visible urine blood could indicate advanced prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer. Sadly, you could not exhibit any symptoms or indicators in the initial phases. More enhanced stages of cancer are likely to present urine in blood.

Genetic illnesses. Sickle cell anaemia, a congenital haemoglobin deficiency in red blood cells, results in both macroscopic and visible hematuria, or blood in the urine. This can also happen as a result of Alport syndrome, a condition that harms the kidneys' glomerular filtration membranes.

Kidney damage. Blood can be seen in your urine as a result of a kidney injury from an accident or contact sports.

Medications. Cyclophosphamide, an anti-cancer medication, and penicillin can both cause urine bleeding. If you take an anticoagulant, such as aspirin or the blood thinner heparin, and you also have a disease that makes your bladder bleed, you could occasionally have visible urine blood.

How to check if you have Blood in your urine? 

Anytime you find blood in your urine, schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Your urine may turn red if you take some medications, such as laxative tablets, or eat certain foods, such as beets, rhubarb, or berries. A change in urine colour brought on by medication, food, or exercise may disappear in a short period of time.

Bloody urine has a different appearance, but you might not be able to distinguish between the two. It is best to visit your doctor as soon as you notice red urine.

Risk Factors

Red blood cells in the urine can be present in almost everybody, including children and teenagers. This is more probable due to the following factors: 

  • Age. Due to an enlarged prostate gland, many men over 50 occasionally urinate blood. 
  • Newly acquired infection. Post-infectious glomerulonephritis, an infection-related inflammation of the kidneys, is one of the leading causes of youngsters passing visible blood in their urine.
  • Family background. If kidney disease or kidney stones run in your family, you might be more prone to urine bleeding. 
  • Certain medicines. It is well-recognized that aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics like penicillin increase the risk of urine bleeding. 
  • Strenuous activity. For people who run long distances, heavy exercise can lead to urine bleeding. In fact, the illness is also referred to as jogger's hematuria. Anyone who exercises hard may have symptoms.


Due to the presence of red blood cells, gross hematuria causes urine to be pink, red, or coke-coloured. Red urine can be produced with only a small amount of blood, and bleeding is typically not unpleasant. It could be uncomfortable to pass blood clots in your pee, though.

Bloody urine frequently appears in the absence of any other signs or symptoms.


Depending on the cause of your hematuria, treatment options may include using antibiotics to cure a urinary tract infection, trying a prescription drug to reduce an enlarged prostate, or receiving shock wave therapy to dissolve bladder or kidney stones. Sometimes no therapy is required. 

After therapy, check in with your doctor to make sure there is no longer any blood in your urine.

Complications of Blood in urine

Blood in the pee needs to be investigated because it may indicate malignancy. If caught early, this is easier to cure.

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Page last reviewed: Mar 14, 2023

Next review due: Mar 14, 2025

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