

Laryngitis Prevention, Symptoms, And Treatment Options


Laryngitis, an inflammation of the voice box (larynx), can be brought on by an infection, irritation, or overuse.

Your vocal cords, which are two folds of mucous membrane covering muscle and cartilage, are located inside the larynx. Your voice chords typically expand and shut smoothly, moving and vibrating to create sounds.

Yet, when you have laryngitis, your voice chords swell up or itch. Due to the vocal cords swelling as a result, the sounds created by air flowing over them are distorted. Your voice sounds hoarse as a result. If you have laryngitis, there are several circumstances when your voice may become virtually undetected.

Laryngitis can be acute (short-lived) or chronic (long-lasting). The majority of laryngitis episodes are not dangerous and are brought on by a transient viral infection. Hoarseness that does not go away occasionally indicates a more serious underlying medical problem.


Most cases of laryngitis are temporary and improve when the underlying reason improves. Acute laryngitis may result from:

  • Viruses that are comparable to cold viruses
  • The vocal strain caused by screaming or overusing your voice
  • Bacterial infections, despite the fact that they are less frequent.

Laryngitis that lasts more than three weeks is referred to as chronic laryngitis. Repeated irritation is the usual cause of this type of laryngitis. Chronic laryngitis can cause growths, strain, and damage to the vocal cords (polyps or nodules). Persistent laryngitis may result from:

  • Irritants that may be inhaled, including smoke, allergies, or chemical fumes
  • Also known as gastroesophageal reflux illness, acid reflux (GERD)
  • Persistent sinusitis
  • Consuming booze too much

Overusing your voice frequently (such as Smoking Less frequent factors that contribute to persistent laryngitis include:

  • Fungal or bacterial infections
  • Parasite infections with specific species

Other factors for persistent hoarseness include:

  • Cancer
  • Vocal cord paralysis, which can be brought on by cancer, nerve problems, surgery-related nerve damage, chest or neck injuries, or other medical issues
  • The vocal cords bending

How to check if you have Laryngitis?

Most severe instances of laryngitis may be treated by taking self-care measures including resting your voice and consuming lots of water. If you use your voice strongly while having an episode of acute laryngitis, vocal cord damage may result.

If your laryngitis symptoms persist for longer than two weeks, schedule a visit with a doctor.

If you any of the following please seek medical assistance:

  • Have respiratory issues
  • Have a fever that will not go away with a bloody cough
  • Having a weeks-long increase in discomfort

Immediately seek medical help for your child if they:

  • Emits loud, obnoxious noises of breathing while inhaling (stridor)
  • Drools more than normal
  • Has respiratory issues and difficulties swallowing
  • Is feverish

These symptoms and indications might be related to croup, which is an inflammation of the larynx and the airway right below it. Even though croup is typically severe, symptoms need medical treatment; mild symptoms can be managed at home. These signs may also point to epiglottitis, a potentially fatal condition for both children and adults that causes inflammation of the tissue that serves as a lid to cover the windpipe (epiglottis).

Risk Factors

Laryngitis risk factors include:

  • Being unwell with a respiratory condition like a cold, bronchitis, or sinusitis
  • Exposure to irritants like cigarette smoke, heavy alcohol consumption, stomach acid, or chemicals at work
  • Using your voice excessively by yelling, singing, or talking too much


Laryngitis symptoms often last less than two weeks and are brought on by a mild factor, such as a virus. Less frequently, something more serious or long-lasting causes laryngitis symptoms. Signs and symptoms of laryngitis might include:

  • Hoarseness
  • Voice weakness or voice loss
  • A tickling feeling and throat irritation
  • Throat infection
  • Dry cough


To avoid vocal lead dryness or irritability:

  • Stay away from smoking and secondhand smoke. Smoking dries out your throat. Your voice chords may also get inflamed as a result.
  • Restrict your use of alcohol and caffeine. Your entire body loses water as a result of them.
  • Take in a lot of water. Fluid consumption keeps the mucus in your throat thin and easy to remove.
  • Do not include spicy meals in your diet. Acid from the stomach can enter the throat or oesophagus after eating spicy meals. Heartburn or gastric reflux disease may result from this (GERD).
  • Be sure to eat a variety of nutritious meals. eat entire grains, fruits, and veggies. They include a number of vitamins, including vitamins A, E, and C, which are crucial for good health in general. These meals may further support the health of the throat's mucous membranes.
  • Avoid yelling out loud. Due to the unnatural vibrating of your vocal cords and the potential for swelling, this causes more harm than benefit. Moreover, clearing your throat makes your throat feel irritated and releases more mucus, which makes you want to do it again.
  • Keep your upper respiratory illnesses at bay. Keep your distance from those who are unwell with upper respiratory conditions like colds and wash your hands often.


During a week or more, acute laryngitis frequently resolves without treatment. Self-care techniques including voice rest, hydration, and air humidification can also aid with symptoms.

Treatments for chronic laryngitis focus on addressing the underlying causes, such as heartburn, smoking, or binge drinking.

In some situations, medications like:

Antibiotics. Antibiotics will not help in virtually all cases of laryngitis since the virus that causes it is almost always to blame. If the illness is bacterial, your doctor could advise taking an antibiotic.

Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids can occasionally aid in reducing vocal cord irritation. Only in extreme situations, such as when a child has laryngitis accompanied by croup, is this medication utilised to cure laryngitis.

You could receive voice treatment to learn how to cut back on actions that exacerbate vocal problems.

Sometimes, you could require surgery. There are several self-care techniques and at-home remedies that can help with laryngitis symptoms and vocal strain:

Inhale the humid air. Use a humidifier to keep the air moist in your home or place of work. Take a hot shower or inhale steam from a basin of water.

Rest as much as you can for your voice. Try not to speak or sing for too long or too loudly. Try to utilise a microphone or megaphone if you need to speak in front of huge crowds.

Drink a lot of water to avoid being dehydrated (avoid alcohol and caffeine).

your throat with water. Try sucking on lozenges, gargling with salt water, or chewing gum.

Do not use decongestants. Your throat may get dry with certain drugs.

Do not whisper. This causes your voice to be even more stressed.

Complications of Laryngitis

Laryngitis brought on by infection can occasionally extend to other respiratory tract organs.


For further information please access the following resources:

Emergency : +91 89686 77907

Front Desk : +91 98018 79584

Page last reviewed: Mar 16, 2023

Next review due: Mar 16, 2025

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