Alcoholic Poisoning: A danger to steer clear of and remove
When a person consumes a dangerous amount of alcohol, generally in a short length of time, alcohol poisoning ensues also known as Binge drinking.
Alcohol poisoning can harm your health or possibly endanger your life. It is critical to steer clear of alcohol abuse and to be conscious of how much you are consuming and any potential health effects.
Alcohol poisoning requires emergency medical assistance.
Please get immediate emergency medical assistance,if you think someone may have alcohol poisoning.
Several household items, including mouthwash, several pharmaceuticals, and alcoholic drinks, contain alcohol in the form of ethanol. The most common cause of ethanol poisoning is consuming excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.
Other kinds of alcohol, such as methanol or ethylene glycol, which are frequently found in antifreeze and solvents, can result in severe poisoning that needs immediate medical attention.
Binge drinking, or the pattern of excessive drinking is a primary contributor to alcohol poisoning. An alcohol binge might endure for several days or take place over a few hours.
You can take a deadly dosage before you lose consciousness. The amount of alcohol in your body keeps increasing even after you pass out or stop drinking because it keeps moving from your stomach and intestines into your circulation.
If you find yourself in this situation or a family member/friend, please seek immediate medical assistance.
How to check if you have Alcohol Poisoning?
Your doctor will likely request blood and urine tests to evaluate blood alcohol levels and find additional markers of alcohol toxicity, such as low blood sugar.
Not all of the indications or symptoms have to be displayed before you seek medical attention. Alcohol poisoning patients who are asleep or who cannot be woken run the danger of passing away.
Even if you are not sure of the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, you should still seek immediate medical attention to prevent further issues.
The wisest course of action is to remain on the side of caution when determining whether you believe someone is intoxicated enough to require medical attention.
If you are underage, you could be concerned about the repercussions for you, a friend, or a loved one. However, the results of delaying seeking the right assistance may be much more severe.
Risk Factors
Your risk of alcohol poisoning may rise due to a number of variables, such as:
- Size and weight
- Your general well-being
- Whether you've just eaten, and whether you're using alcohol while also using other substances.
- The alcohol content in your beverages
- The frequency and volume of alcohol usage
- Your degree of tolerance
The following are symptoms of alcohol poisoning:
- Confusion
- Speech that is extremely slurred, loses coordination, vomits, and has irregular or sluggish breathing
- Low body temperature might create pale or blue-tinged skin (hypothermia)
- Being aware but not responding (stupor)
- Falling asleep
- Alcohol poisoning can cause death, brain damage, and coma in the most severe cases.
To lessen your chance of causing harm to your health if you drink frequently:
If you frequently consume more than 14 units of alcohol per week, men and women are encouraged to space out your drinking across 3 days or more.
- If you do consume alcohol, do it in moderation. If you decide to consume alcohol, do so sparingly.
- Never drink while you are hungry. Having some food in your stomach may help to slow down the absorption of alcohol.
- Safely store your stuff. Store alcohol-containing items, such as cosmetics, mouthwashes, and prescriptions, out of the reach of small children if you have any.
The patient will be closely observed in the hospital until the alcohol has completely left their system.
If treatment is necessary, several things could be done:
- Putting an intravenous drip, which goes directly into a vein, to top off their water, blood sugar, and vitamin levels
- Putting a catheter on their bladder to drain urine directly into a bag so they do not wet themselves
- Putting a tube into their mouth and windpipe to open the airway, remove any blockages, and help with breathing
Complications of Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol poisoning can cause a person to:
- Stop breathing
- Get excessively dehydrated, which can result in lifelong brain damage
- In extreme circumstances, suffer a heart attack
- Die from choking on their own vomit,
- Become more seriously hypothermic
- Suffer seizures due to low blood sugar levels.
- A torn blood vessel at the intersection of the stomach can result from frequent vomiting
Please seek medical attention if you face any of these medical issues.
For further information please access the following resources:
Emergency : +91 89686 77907
Front Desk : +91 98018 79584
Page last reviewed: Mar 3, 2023
Next review due: Mar 3, 2025