Neck Pain : Having Pain in your neck? Know the Causes
Neck pain is commonplace. Bad posture, such as slouching over a workbench or hunching over a computer, can strain the neck muscles. Another prevalent cause of neck discomfort is osteoarthritis.
Rarely, neck discomfort may signal a more serious issue. Seek medical attention if you have neck discomfort that radiates into your shoulder or down your arm, or if it causes you to lose feeling in your hands, arms, or legs.
The neck is susceptible to injuries and illnesses that cause discomfort and limit mobility because it bears the weight of the head. Causes of neck discomfort include:
Strained muscles. Overuse, such as spending too much time hunched over a computer or a smartphone, can occasionally result in muscle injuries. Even simple activities like reading in bed can put tension on the neck muscles.
Damaged joints. Much like other joints in the body, neck joints degrade with age. The body frequently develops bone spurs as a result of this wear and tear, which can impair joint mobility and be painful.
Compressed nerves. Herniated discs or bone spurs in the neck vertebrae might compress the nerves that exit the spinal cord.
Injuries. Rear-end car accidents commonly cause whiplash injuries. The head jerks back and then forward, straining the fragile tissues of the neck.
Diseases. Neck discomfort can be brought on by a number of conditions, including cancer, meningitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
How to check if you have Neck Pain?
If significant neck discomfort develops as a consequence of an injury, such as a fall, diving mishap, or automobile accident, get medical attention right once.
If you have neck pain, consult a doctor right away if you have any of the following:
- It is serious
- Spreads down the arms or legs and continues for many days without relief
- Has a headache, numbness, weakness, or tingling it.
These signs include:
- When the head is kept stationary for a long time, such as when driving or using a computer, pain is usually made worse.
- Stiffness and spasms in the muscles
- Reduced capacity for head movement
- Headache
The majority of neck discomfort is a result of poor posture and ageing-related wear and tear. Keep your head level with your spine to help reduce neck discomfort. Your daily routine can benefit from some easy tweaks. Think about attempting to:
Pose properly. Make sure your shoulders are directly above your hips whether standing or sitting and that your ears are squarely over your shoulders. Keep your head up and hold the gadget straight out rather than bending your neck to gaze down at it when using a mobile phone, tablet, or another tiny screen device.
Take breaks often. Get up, walk around, and extend your neck and shoulders if you commute a long distance or spend a lot of time at a computer.
Keep your workstation, and chair, and use a computer with the monitor at eye level. The knees and hips should be at roughly the same level. Use the armrests on your chair.
Quit smoking if you do. Smoking can make neck discomfort more likely to occur.
Avoid shoulder-slinging bulky bags with straps. Your neck may become sore from the weight.
Maintain a good sleeping posture. Your body should be in line with your head and neck. Place a little cushion beneath your neck. Try lying on your back with your thighs lifted on cushions to relax your spinal muscles.
Remain active. Increase your level of exercise if you are not moving around much.
The majority of mild to severe neck pain types respond to self-care in two to three weeks. It could just be necessary to utilise heat and painkillers.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others), naproxen sodium (Aleve), or acetaminophen, are possible pain treatments (Tylenol, others). Only use these drugs as prescribed. Serious adverse effects might result from overuse.
Your healthcare professional can advise prescription NSAIDs or muscle relaxants if over-the-counter painkillers do not work.
Physical treatment. A physical therapist may instruct patients on proper alignment, neck strengthening exercises, and posture. Physical therapy may also employ other methods, such as cold or heat, to lessen discomfort.
electrical nerve stimulation transcutaneously (TENS).
Tiny electrical impulses are delivered by electrodes put on the skin close to the painful regions, which may reduce pain. However, there is little evidence that TENS helps with neck pain.
Supple neck collar. By relieving pressure on the neck, a soft collar that supports the neck could be able to reduce discomfort. However, if a collar is worn for longer than three hours at a time or for more than one to two weeks, it could do more damage than good.
Techniques, both surgical and otherwise.
Injections of steroids. A medical professional may administer steroid injections close to the nerve roots, into the joints of the spine, or into the neck muscles. To treat neck discomfort, numbing drugs like lidocaine can also be administered.
Surgery. Surgery is seldom required for neck discomfort, although it might be a method of releasing spinal cord or nerve root compression.
Method of living and Home treatments
In addition to taking painkillers, self-care techniques that might ease neck discomfort include:
Switch between cold and hot. During the first 48 hours, you can reduce inflammation by applying cold, such as an ice pack or ice wrapped in a towel, for up to 15 minutes several times a day. Use heat after that. Try using a heating pad on the lowest setting or having a warm shower.
Home workouts. Maintaining motion in the neck is crucial. Once the worst of the discomfort has subsided, start regular mild stretching, including neck rolls and shoulder rolls. Rotate, bend, and tilt your neck gently. Before performing these exercises, warm up the neck and back with a heating pad, shower, or bath.
Substitute medical care
A number of different back discomforts could be treated. Always go through the advantages and disadvantages with your doctor before beginning a new alternative therapy.
Acupuncture. At specified locations on the body, an acupuncturist inserts tiny, sterile needles into the skin. Several acupuncture treatments could be necessary to get the optimum benefits. When carried out by a licensed professional using sterilised needles, acupuncture is often regarded as safe.
Chiropractic. A chiropractic adjustment involves applying a controlled, sudden force to a joint, often on the spine. Chiropractic treatment for the neck can relieve discomfort temporarily and poses no risk for the majority of patients.
Massage. A skilled massage therapist rubs the neck's muscles while giving a massage. People with tight muscles-related persistent neck discomfort may benefit from massage.
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Emergency : +91 89686 77907
Front Desk : +91 98018 79584
Page last reviewed: Mar 20, 2023
Next review due: Mar 20, 2025